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The Elite has landed..... full story...

Nintendo boffins have done it again. Whats a DSI ? full story...

The PSP's new look...... full story...

PS3's still on the blink..... full story...

Tony Hawks ride flop..... full story...

The Elite has landed!

We start the new year with a present from the always friendly company Microsoft, they have brought the next gen(new edition) to the Xbox 360. The highest end of the Xbox consoles Microsoft currently offers comes in a new black color, new black accessories, has the much requested HDMI port, a larger HD, and more.

Shellacked in black with metallic detail, the ultimate console features a 120GB hard drive, a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) port, HDMI and component cables, Xbox LIVE headset, and an Xbox 360 wireless controller. For a great estimated retail price of $479.99 (U.S.), Xbox 360 Elite offers extensive storage room for a library of Xbox LIVE Arcade games and thousands of songs, as well as downloadable high-definition TV shows and movies available on Xbox LIVE, the number one online distributor of high-definition television and feature film content.

For existing Xbox 360 owners looking for greater storage capacity, the 120GB hard drive will also be sold as a stand-alone accessory for a suggested retail price of £179.99 (U.K.). Coordinating Xbox 360 Elite accessories, such as the black Xbox 360 wireless controller, Xbox 360 Play & Charge kit and the Xbox 360 rechargeable battery, will be available separately as well.

The console is equipped with a premium black finish and three powerful core processors capable of producing the best in HD entertainment (up to 1080p), 16:9 cinematic aspect ratio, anti-aliasing for smooth textures, full surround sound, HDMI output and DVD playback with upscaling capabilities right out of the box.

The 120GB detachable hard drive allows gamers to save their games and store television shows, movies, music, pictures, trailers, levels, demos and other content available from Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

And is reassured by microsoft that the ring of death is a thing of the past............

More on this click here

psp goThe PSP's new look

The new playstation portable go has hit the shelves and on the surface, Sony's PSP Go doesn't really look like anything radically new for the PSP franchise. Yes, it's more compact than the three earlier generations of the portable gaming and multimedia handheld device. And yes, it features such additions as built-in Bluetooth, slide-out controls, and a smaller, more pocketable overall design. But the real change here--the radical departure, if you will--is the fact that the Go is the first dedicated handheld gaming system to go completely digital and move away from cartridges or optical discs.

Is that a good idea? Well, with the success of Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch as casual gaming devices, Sony has little choice to head down this path and it's probably smart that's doing it sooner rather than later (you can argue whether it should have done it four years ago, but that's another story). That said, while we applaud the jump to a digital-download-based system, it's certainly fraught with challenges, and how Sony overcomes them will go a long way to determining the PSP Go's success.

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